The Encounter tells the story of National Geographic photographer Loren McIntyre who, in 1969, became lost in a remote part of the Brazilian rainforest while searching for the Mayoruna people. His encounter was to test his perception of the world, bringing the limits of human consciousness into startling focus.
Threading scenes of his own life with details of McIntyre’s journey, Simon McBurney incorporates objects and sound effects into this solo performance to evoke the depths of the Amazon rainforest.
The show’s ground-breaking binaural sound design (3D audio) by Olivier Award Winner, Gareth Fry, is transmitted to the audience through headphones and plugs into the power of the imagination, questioning our perceptions of time and our own consciousness.
The Company
Founded in 1983, Complicité is an international theatre company based in London led by Artistic Director Simon McBurney (OBE) and Producer Judith Dimant (MBE). The Company has won over fifty major theatre awards worldwide. Complicite’s recent work includes Ungeduld des Herzens, A Pacifist’s Guide to the War on Cancer, Lionboy, The Master and Margarita, Shun-kin and A Disappearing Number.